Michelle Choi

Episode 15: In VaginaLand with Dr. Heidi Olander

I speak with Dr. Heidi Olander, MD, who is an Ob-gyn physician at Kaiser Permanente San Jose and Santa Cruz about Vaginas, Vulvas, Women’s Libido, Menopause, and other Women’s Health issues. Often times misunderstood, perhaps uncomfortable as well, Dr. Olander and I talk about the state of the vagina, our vaginas. Have you ever wondered what normal is? Can the vulva change shape? Does taking hormones help our libido? What about vaginal discharge? Let’s talk about it! It’s female empowerment!

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Learning to Love Thyself

Over the last decade- my relationship with my mother has become very difficult.  And with the realization that our relationship is very difficult, complicated, and now strained, it started to make sense why things seemed so awkward growing up, or maybe why I did things growing up that I didn’t imagine a normal kid or…

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Episode 14: Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Josie Teresi

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people are self-centered, have an inflated opinion of their own selves, have a deep need for admiration and attention, and lack empathy for others. They are in love with a self image. But when a self image is not based on reality, it can manifest in behaviors that are manipulative, patronizing, selfish, and abusive. Josie Teresi and I talk about our own personal experiences with narcissistic personality disorder. You can find Josie at josieteresi.com

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End of Life Experiences

Perhaps Dying and Death is not what we think it is. I found my conversation with Dr. Christopher Kerr, MD PhD, this week so interesting- the fact that the majority of people who are dying are having end of life experiences which could be life-affirming, self-healing, comforting, insightful, and therapeutic.⁠⁠ Perhaps we as physicians don’t…

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Episode 13: End of Life Experiences with Dr. Christopher Kerr

I speak with Dr. Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, who is a hospice physician and end of life researcher, about end of life experiences. He wrote “Death Is But a Dream,” which is based on Dr. Kerr’s extensive research with hospice patients and their families – which highlights and validates the powerful dreams and visions often experienced at the end of life, that bring comfort and meaning to people who are dying. His Ted talk has over 3 million views, his work is featured in the Netflix docuseries “Surviving Death”, and most recently Dr. Kerr and his research team are featured in a public television documentary, “Death is but a dream”, which premiered on WNED PBS which serves Western New York, and is set to air nationally in April 2021. You can find him at drchristopherkerr.com.

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The Badass that Cares

I have a fascination with female badasses that care. In life or in spirit.⁠⁠I recently learned about Guanyin or Kuan yin or Guan yim, who is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion.  Yes- I may be slow on the uptake, but I am thankful I started to wonder about her midlife, then never having known….

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Episode 12: Domestic Violence in Silicon Vallley with Ruth Darlene

Abusers walk amongst us. In the U.S. – 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. But this number does not include the more subtle forms of abuse, including emotional, financial, coercive control, and gaslighting. I speak with Ruth Darlene, who is the founder and Executive Director of WomenSV, which is an organization to help women who are dealing with a powerful and sophisticated abuser. These abuses are harder to detect, and her organization works to address and raise awareness on these subtle forms of abuse, which are demeaning, damaging, and distressful.

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Calling in the Calling Out Culture

The process of Calling-out in our culture today can be dehumanizing. I found Professor Loretta Ross so inspiring because she speaks so honestly about how derisive calling-out is, and brings up a more productive and humane approach to correct the wrongs.⁠⁠Let’s be real. Who hasn’t made a mistake? And I think the word mistake should be…

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Episode 11: Calling In the Calling Out Culture with Loretta Ross

The process of calling out in our culture today can be dehumanizing and vicious. An Activist and Professor at Smith College, Loretta Ross talks about how derisive calling out is, and brings up a more productive and humane approach. She describes Calling In, which is a call out but done privately involving conversation and civility, to promote understanding and true change. You can find her at lorettajross.com.

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Our Path of Awakening

One’s path of awakening, such as being aware of the state of your mind, being aware of how you feel, being aware of your inner peace, does often feel like an uphill battle. But if you think about it, it’s the process of digging and building. Nothing worthwhile is built in a couple of hours…

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