Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
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October 26, 2022

Episode 82: MomTalk with Oriana Gliessman and Carla Roa

It’s that kind of episode today!  Just talking about the things that we do understand and the things that we don’t, the love and the frustration, the funny and sometimes not so funny.  Being real with my own issues, my increased frustration with my little girl than boy sometimes, as I continue to see how I act and react, and check myself.  It’s a fun episode as we sometimes agree and disagree, but all of it is A-OK.  Get your coffee and tea, chill-ax, and laugh with us, as we get real with some of the goings on in our own lives.  Who else to bounce it off than other moms you trust?

And don’t forget!  If you’re loving the podcast, rate us!  Subscribe!  Send your friends your Fave episodes!  Go back and listen to the ones that you haven’t.  It helps a lot.  This is totally a project of love which began with my breakdown, as I continue to work towards my breakthrough.  And thank you for inviting us into your lives!

Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
Lost or Found
Episode 82: MomTalk with Oriana Gliessman and Carla Roa