Karma and Hatred

Dr. Michelle Choi, Lost or Found, Karma and Hatred

Morally, Spiritually, Ethically, Righteously, Honestly- none of us have the right to take away someone else’s life. And if you’re at the point in your life like I am, where you wonder if there is more to life than what you just see – it’s literally bad karma to kill. What is Karma? It’s the “sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.” That means that the shit you do now, may affect the shit that you live later, even beyond this lifetime. Some of us feel lost at different periods in our lives, and some really are lost. So Lost- to make the worst decision any human being can make, to kill another. Why does a person become so lost? And why are we giving a lost person a gun?⁠

As racist violence against Asian Americans is rising, and with the black lives matter social movement, I can’t help but think that hatred stems from a scarcity mindset. It’s based on fear, lack of understanding and growth, limitations, and anxiety. Let’s be honest- sometimes we feel a certain way, but I wonder if hatred occurs when perhaps we choose not to grow, to really see the situation, and learn from the situation. It’s like you choose to be stuck, and crap festers. But if we choose to talk about stuff- how are any of our doubts and fears, anxiety, hopes and dreams, yearning for love- different from anyone else’s? Aren’t we all just trying to live and figure things out? And perhaps the other truth is- some of us may get more help than others. ⁠

Michelle Choi MD