Michelle Choi

Loving Your Unique Body

The poet Mary Oliver said, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

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Racial Injustices in Medicine

One of the saddest things that I read about recently, was the story of 2 young black sisters with sickle cell disease, who both suffered strokes. (See the full article here.) The suffering of these girls is so frustrating because these strokes are 90% preventable.⁠⁠

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Episode 25: Racial Injustices in Medicine

Racial injustices exist in the U.S., and the implicit and explicit bias that exists contributes to racial disparities in healthcare. I talked with psychiatrist Dr. Norman Reynolds, MD, about racism in the United States, and how it has affected the practice of medicine historically up until now – as it is one more reflection of the fact that we do not have equity in our country. During the pandemic, there was a disproportionate toll of Covid19 hospitalizations and deaths among minority populations, and it’s known that U.S. pregnancy deaths are up, especially among minorities. Philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Join us in this interesting conversation as we reflect on our history and our hopes for a better future for all.

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Episode 24: Self-Care with Dr. Jessica Murphy

Self-care is good for your health and well-being! Sometimes we can’t control the stressors in our lives, but we can control how we react to them. And when we take care of ourselves — and we take care of our mind, body, and spirit — we are building our resilience to handle the stressors that we can’t eliminate. Join us in this fun conversation as Dr. Jessica Murphy, DO, and I discuss self-care. Better equip yourself by taking care of yourself and promoting your well-being! Because when you do survive- What can’t you do?!? You are worth it!

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Self-Care for our Resilience

Self doubt is real. And self-care can help to keep us afloat.

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Episode 23: Lifestyle Is Prevention with Dr. Nicole Harkin

It’s amazing to think that simple lifestyle changes can have such a huge and powerful impact – but they do! You have so much control over your own health! Dr. Nicole Harkin, MD, FACC, is a preventive cardiologist, and in this episode we talk about sustainable lifestyle changes as prevention, primarily diet. If you’re feeling not so great despite “normal” labwork and tests, if you’re dealing with a chronic illness, or if you’re feeling healthy and want to learn more, this conversation may inspire you to rethink what we are putting into our bodies. Join us for this interesting conversation – as we talk about the scientific data in regards to diet. It’s empowering! Find Dr. Harkin at wholeheartcardiology.com.

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Lifestyle is Prevention

One of the biggest ironies in the practice of medicine is that there is very little focus on prevention.

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Episode 22: What We Still Carry with Dr. Chris Fahrenbach

In this week’s episode, I speak with Dr. Christine Fahrenbach, PhD, about what we still carry in our lives. What if the truth has always been that we are all worthy of a beautiful life? Life can be stressful for all of us. But among people who have had trauma in their past and carry their trauma or remnants of it – including the stress from everyday – elevated stress levels are more common. The two main categories of trauma are commonly referred to as Big “T” and small “t” traumatizations. While Big T traumas can be seen as life threatening experiences, small “t” traumas are also painful and can include bullying, emotional abuse, difficult relationships, or loss of a pet. Join us in this interesting and insightful conversation as we discuss the possibilities of our lives!

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Our Bodies Have the Capacity to Heal

What if we have the power to heal our bodies by changing how we think and feel?⁠

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Episode 21- Energy Vampires with Lisa Campion

Energy vampires are people who drain your emotional energy, and if you really have one in your life, it may feel as if they are feeding off of your life force. They are everywhere. They can be your partner, your friend, your workmate, your client, or your patient. And sometimes these behaviors can be very toxic, as well as emotional and dramatic. Lisa Campion and I talk about energy vampires! If you have someone in your life that constantly hurts you and drains you- you may have one in your life.

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