Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
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October 12, 2022

Episode 80: Flying like Jonathan Livingston with Dr. Larry Arias

I am super excited about this interview because I’ve become a huge fan of the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and of Dr. Larry Arias. They’re both THAT special.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a bird that tries to perfect the art of flying. He may be a bird, but he’s a badass, who’s gonna-become-a-renegade bird. He has an unbounded passion for flight despite the rebuke of his clan or flock. He’s bored with his life, disheartened by the passionless lives of those around him, and he’s made an outcast because he can’t conform. This book shares a profound truth about our existence.

And I get to discuss this special book with Dr. Larry Arias. Larry is a pharmacist and would-be creative person who lives with his husband, dog, and two cats in magical Santa Cruz.  His interests include discovering beauty and humor in unusual places, finding the perfect balance in things that are “weird” and “cool,” and rooting for the underdogs of society. He hopes to one day move from his professional career and pursue a path that allows him to amalgamate his interests into artwork that can be shared with the world. 

Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
Lost or Found
Episode 80: Flying like Jonathan Livingston with Dr. Larry Arias