Meet Michelle

Michelle Choi, MD is an Internal Medicine doc, who had a midlife crisis and gave up her medical career to start a podcast. Deciding that she didn’t want to pretend that health and deep healing could be found in corporate medicine’s fifteen-minute increments, she chose to explore what really matters to our health, wellbeing, and happiness. Our answers are specific to us! Find these explorations on the Lost or Found Podcast and her book, Untangling.
Michelle has practiced both in the hospital setting and in primary care. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, attended SUNY Downstate College of Medicine, and did her residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She has practiced medicine for over fifteen years. While it may have seemed as if she were at the height of her career, she found corporate medicine did not yield actual healing or healthy lifestyles but rather prevented her from flourishing effectively as a doctor. She decided that corporate medicine was not going to define her life’s work. With her humor, experiences, learning and relearning intact, She was going to define her life’s work. 
Michelle Choi, MD
Doctor Life Enthusiast

Becoming Michelle

Adorable at One Year Old
Confident at Four
My babies
Dr. Michelle Choi