Lifestyle Medicine

Episode 87: Where True Medicine Begins with Dr. Rakesh Jotwani, MD

I agree with Dr. Rakesh Jotwani: Food is medicine.  Movement is medicine.  Breath is medicine.  Sleep is medicine.  Love is medicine.

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Episode 37: Chronic Inflammation with Dr. Monica Aggarwal, MD

When the body becomes imbalanced, it becomes irritated and inflamed. I believe most of us live our lives in the chronic inflammatory state. Stresses have many external sources - it could be the people in your life, your job, lack of sleep, lack of activity, the death of a loved one, chronic illness or injury, pollution, or even what we put into our mouths. While acute inflammation is good and life-saving, chronic inflammation is not. Your bodily resources are utilized to deal with inflammation. And if inflammation is never turned off, our bodies only have so much...

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Episode 23: Lifestyle Is Prevention with Dr. Nicole Harkin

It’s amazing to think that simple lifestyle changes can have such a huge and powerful impact - but they do! You have so much control over your own health! Dr. Nicole Harkin, MD, FACC, is a preventive cardiologist, and in this episode we talk about sustainable lifestyle changes as prevention, primarily diet. If you're feeling not so great despite "normal" labwork and tests, if you're dealing with a chronic illness, or if you're feeling healthy and want to learn more, this conversation may inspire you to rethink what we are putting into our bodies. Join us...

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Episode 11: Calling In the Calling Out Culture with Loretta Ross

The process of calling out in our culture today can be dehumanizing and vicious. An Activist and Professor at Smith College, Loretta Ross talks about how derisive calling out is, and brings up a more productive and humane approach. She describes Calling In, which is a call out but done privately involving conversation and civility, to promote understanding and true change. You can find her at

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Episode 9: Healing thru Reiki

Reiki is a complementary healing modality from Japan that uses the universal life force energy around us to heal the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Lisa Campion, the author of "The Art of Psychic Reiki" and now "Energy Healing for Empaths," talks with us about how reiki can be used to improve health and enhance the quality of our lives. You can find Lisa at

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Episode 8: The Power of Our Thoughts

Maybe thoughts can become things, and are creative forces in our lives. Denise Correll from the Enlightened Empaths Podcast and I talk about how we can consciously choose our thoughts and possibly change our lives. It's worth considering! You can find Denise at

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Trailer: Welcome to Lost or Found

Let me tell you about the podcast...

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