Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
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July 12, 2024

Ep. 118 – Honoring Yourself with Dr. Toni Liu

Hello, Happy summer, and welcome back to the show! We have an interesting show today as Dr. Toni Liu is here to share her story.

She brings up developing a harsh, high-achieving inner critic, which became associated with emptiness, confusion, guilt, and shame, as she learns to honor herself, to find out who she truly is. 

Dr. Toni Liu is a nomadic cartoonist, ex-gynecologist, relationship coach, sex educator, podcaster, and advocate from Asian mental health. Check out her website drtooni.com and her book, “Why You No Doctor Anymore?!”

Lost / Found Podcast with Dr. Michelle Choi
Lost or Found
Ep. 118 - Honoring Yourself with Dr. Toni Liu