lost / found

Episode 74: Complicated Sibling Relationships with Cierra Ryczek

Even though we share our history, while the relationship is unique, sometimes it’s just hard. 

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Episode 46: My Adventure with Neurosurgery with Dr. Heidi Olander, MD

On today’s episode, my friend, Dr. Heidi Olander, MD, shares her recent neurosurgical health crisis.  In spring 2020, she was noted to have a lesion in her brain, with the potential to be something malignant or benign- and she was recommended for neurosurgery for a medical diagnosis.  She walks us through her medical journey.  One of the commonalities in life is that we will all inevitably face one or more crises or have to deal with adversity.  But perhaps an important key in learning from our adversity, and becoming resilient, is to emerge from the other side of a difficult experience, as intact as possible.  As scary as these experiences can seem, they can also add to our lives and ultimately help to heal us.  Dr. Olander is an Ob-Gyn doctor with Kaiser Permanente San Jose and Santa Cruz.

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Episode 33: Cocooning with Oriana Gliessman

On today’s episode, my friend Oriana Gliessman talks to us about her life, as she has been separated from her husband for over a year, and they have decided to end their marriage. In this thoughtful, insightful, and honest conversation, she uses the caterpillar metaphor of cocooning to describe her life right now: focusing her energy on getting to know herself again, discovering her own needs and wants, forging her path to her happiness. Cocooning is the process of enveloping or surrounding yourself in a protective and comforting way, insulated from perceived danger. Who would you become?

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Episode 32: Improving Your Fertility, Naturally

Infertility is fairly common in the United States, as it impacts about 15% of couples. Fertility is also known to steadily decline with age. Infertility can affect one or both partners- about a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman, a third of the cases can be traced to the man, and in the remaining cases, there are issues in both partners or no cause can be found. On today’s show, Dana Ramsey, CNM, MSN, talks about blending holistic, integrative care with modern medicine, to naturally improve fertility and conception. It is known that lifestyle factors, ways of life, can greatly influence overall health and well-being, including fertility. And on today’s show, we talk about healthy habits to optimize fertility. You can find Dana at nurturesantacruz.com.

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Episode 21- Energy Vampires with Lisa Campion

Energy vampires are people who drain your emotional energy, and if you really have one in your life, it may feel as if they are feeding off of your life force. They are everywhere. They can be your partner, your friend, your workmate, your client, or your patient. And sometimes these behaviors can be very toxic, as well as emotional and dramatic. Lisa Campion and I talk about energy vampires! If you have someone in your life that constantly hurts you and drains you- you may have one in your life.

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Episode 20: As a Black Woman with Sola Adelowo

Sometimes in life, we really can’t imagine what it’s like to be someone, unless we are in their shoes. Explicit and implicit bias exists. Racism exists, and with that, oppression. Sola Adelowo and I talk about her experiences as a black woman- in the U.S., Switzerland, and in South Africa. In a conversation that began after she had revealed to me that she was called the “N-word” by a white man, Sola talks about her own life. How can we honor all of humanity if we don’t recognize that not all are treated equally?

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Episode 19- Child Sexual Abuse with Marybeth Beers

This is a topic that every parent should know about.⁠ If you are a survivor- how have you been managing your memories?⁠ Understandably – it is a very difficult topic. But it is so unfortunately common- when 1/3 girls and at least 1/5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. And as many as 93% of victims under the age of 18 know the abuser. I speak with Marybeth Beers who, over 40 years ago, was sexually abused by her swim coach. She is here today, to talk about the impact that the experience made on her growing up and her adult life. Child sexual abuse is a significant but preventable public health problem. Although we may not be able to change the perpetrator, we can empower ourselves with knowledge and awareness- to prevent this from happening to our children, and their children.⁠

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